Transition With The Seasons: TCM & Autumn

Autumn has arrived, and with it shorter days and cooler temperatures. Some of us are already feeling the natural urge to slow down and take things easier as we transition away from the higher energy days of Summer.  Adjusting our lifestyle and daily activities to coincide with the seasonal changes is one of the best forms of self-care. This may look like staying home, going to bed a bit earlier as the days get shorter, eating more cooked and warming foods, eating seasonal produce, etc. 

In Chinese Medicine, Fall is associated with the Metal Element. The Lungs and the Large Intestine both belong to metal, and play a significant role in keeping our immune system strong. 

Aside from chilling out and winding down a bit more as we head into the colder months, here are some ways to match our energy with our passage into the Fall season.

1. Protect Your Neck

  • Keep your neck and upper back warm. The Lungs rule the skin and the opening and closing of our pores. As the wind and cold start to pick up, the back of the neck is particularly vulnerable to ‘wind invasion’. Wind invasion can contribute to muscle tension, headaches, and common cold. Keep your immune system strong while rocking those cute Fall season scarves!

2. Practice Breathing Deeply

  • The simple act of breathing deeply and exhaling completely is something many of us take for granted, AND forget to do properly. Breathing deeply helps to ensure we are taking in the full amount of oxygen that is crucial for nourishing our cells and all that is vital to our body’s processes. 

3. Take A Walk Outside

  • Keeping your body moving, while taking in some fresh air and enjoying the gorgeous fall colors is another great way to keep your lungs and body strong through the season. Just be sure to grab that scarf on your way out for that stroll. 

4. Eat Warm, Local & Seasonal

  • Squash, pumpkins, cinnamon, walnuts, sweet potato, apples, all perfect Fall foods for staying warm and nourished. Mama Nature has this amazing way of providing the right ingredients to fuel our bodies accordingly. The local Vallejo Farmer’s Market is open year-round, and although not labeled as Organic, all produce is free of chemical sprays and pesticides. 

5. Let That $@*# Go!

  • The Large Intestine’s main function is to “Let Go” of waste and toxins. If you decide to follow through with Tip# #2, you can learn a lesson from the trees and their falling leaves. Shedding that which does not serve you is crucial for conserving emotional and physical energy through the Fall & Winter. Clearing out of stagnant matter in the form of negative energy, household clutter, or even that annoying inner critic helps give us a clean slate for all the fresh possibilities and new beginnings come Spring season!

6. And lastly, coming in for an Acupuncture treatment or an herbal consultation is always helpful for keeping our bodies in balance with the season.


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