One of the biggest questions we get asked is whether or not acupuncture is safe for pregnant women. In short - YES.

Not only is acupuncture safe for an expecting mama, it also helps support a healthy pregnancy, while helping to manage any discomforts that can arise as your belly and baby grow.

During the 1st trimester, your body is working very hard and adjusting to it’s new job of growing baby. Your hormones are shifting, you’re making extra blood and your heart is working harder to accommodate you and baby. Acupuncture can help address the fatigue and nausea that are common in the first 3-months of pregnancy. In addition to feeling tired and having morning sickness, other common symptoms we treat in early pregnancy are headaches, breast tenderness, changes in digestion such as bloating or constipation, and mood swings.

For most expectant mamas, the 2nd trimester tends to be the most comfortable stage of pregnancy. During this time, your body starts to adapt to your growing baby. Your uterus starts to expand to make room, and your internal anatomy will follow-suit. 2nd trimester mamas may feel some digestive discomfort or some aches and pains in the muscles. In addition to treating these common complaints, acupuncture treatments are focused on keeping your immune system strong while helping your body to manage stress, maintain quality sleep, and encourage healthy circulation.

In the 3rd and final trimester of pregnancy the focus of our treatments are twofold. During weeks 28 to 36, we take a more “maintenance” approach where we continue to support mama and growing baby by keeping your energy and immune system strong. We focus on points to help maintain quality sleep, while addressing any symptoms that may arise in this stage of pregnancy. Mamas may experience more muscle discomfort as their body adapts to accommodate your growing baby. There may be some changes in digestion or bowel movement
patterns. Some weeks mamas may need support with managing stress or anxiousness that may arise as the arrival of your baby nears.

At week 36, your baby’s “metal” element is fully developed, which translates to their lung and organ system. Here we start the process of helping your body to prepare for their arrival, focusing on points that help prepare your cervix, blood and energy. In TCM, we have what is called the 4th Trimester, also known as the “lying in” or “confinement” period. This time is dedicated to supporting mama through her recovery process. Because we encourage our mother’s to stay in bed and rest for the first weeks, we may not see you as often in the clinic. As an extension of your treatment plan, we share recommendations on best
nutritional approaches, and typically prescribe a customized herbal formula to support you as your body heals.

Wherever you are in your pregnancy journey, we are here to help.


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